
Tracking and Formation of Wheeled Mobile Robot Using Fuzzy Logic

International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES), 2 (2): 18-22 (January 2014)


In this paper we propose a formation and motion control strategy for a group of wheeled mobile robot. Construction of perfect mathematical model is extremely complex due to inherent nonlinearities and other difficulties involved in obtaining reliable measurements. The aim of this work is to develop wheeled mobile robots, placed them in a leader follower framework and a motion controller based on Fuzzy Logic. Fuzzy logic gives human being like reasoning behaviour to a machine. It has been proved that fuzzy logic controllers are capable of using information retrieved from experienced human operator more effectively when compared with conventional controllers. The motion controller is designed using Interval type-2 Fuzzy logic. This will provide the robots the possibility to move from the initial to the final position. The simulation has been performed using MATLAB to investigate the performance of the proposed fuzzy controller.



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