
Hieronymus und Johannes Chrysostomos (zu Hier. in Tit. 1,12 und epist. 70,2)

Vigiliae Christianae, 66 (1): 93--102 (2012)
DOI: 10.1163/157007211X550574


Abstract In the research on the relationship between early Christianity and ancient culture, two passages from the work of Jerome, i.e. in Tit. 1, 12 and epist. 70, 2, play an important role. There, the author answers the controversial question if and in which way a Christian was allowed to cite the works of ancient pagan authors. In what follows will be suggested that in both passages Jerome himself used a prominent source of Greek exegesis, namely the Homilies which Johannes Chrysostomos had held in Antiochia.



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