In this fast growing world where technology has made its way into every walk of life our effort is to make the time consuming traditional process in restaurants easier and efficient. The traditional process was that when a customer enters into the restaurant he has to wait for the waiter to come to him and to get the menu list. After that he has to wait for another couple of minutes again for the waiter to come and take the order. Finally he has to wait for the food too. This is a highly time consuming process. So in order to tackle this problem we have introduced the idea of smart restaurant. Our project is a much simpler replacement of traditional process in restaurants. In this system a customer can scan a QR code given by the restaurants which will direct the customer to the website of the restaurant. The menu will be provided by the restaurants such that customer can order the food as soon as he reached the restaurant without any delay. Customer can also request our interest too which may or may not be granted. The payment option is also provided in the website through which the customer can pay the cash.