
Critical Thinking Level of Bachelor Degree Nursing Students of Two Selected Universities in the Centre Region of Cameroon

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2 (6): 236-240 (Oktober 2018)


Healthcare consumers' expectations are constantly changing and increasing in quality. So, nurses should be prepared to meet such health environment, whose complexity requires them to think critically. But there is little evidence that Cameroonian nurses of today think so. That is why the objective of this article was to determine the critical thinking level of bachelor degree students in nursing schools in the Centre Region of Cameroon. It was a survey design that implicated 229 students selected conveniently. Data were collected using a written test taken by students. Research ethical principles were rigorously observed. After administration of critical thinking tests, the analyses were done with SPSS version 19. The population t-test was used. Findings revealed that, bachelor degree students' level of critical thinking CT is significantly low in both Adventist University t=-4.71, p=0.00 and in Catholic University t=-19.82,p=0.00 . The mean value of Adventist m=8.10 was higher than the mean value of Catholic m=5.87 .So, it was concluded that, the development of nurse student CT relies on a combination of variables and that the use of a single particular teaching method is not sufficient to enhance nurse student CT competence. That is why it was recommended that, the Ministry of Higher Education, that of Public Health, Nurse councils and nursing schools urgently sit together to revise and harmonise the bachelor degree curriculum in nursing. Eyinga Paul Marius "Critical Thinking Level of Bachelor Degree Nursing Students of Two Selected Universities in the Centre Region of Cameroon" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-6 , October 2018, URL:



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