
Plasmon-Polaritons And Their Use In Optical Sub-Wavelength. Event Of Copper And Silver

International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP), 2 (2): 1-7 (2013/05 2013)


The work undertaken in this article concerns the description of the propagation modes of an incident electromagnetic wave of wavelength λ (the visible spectrum) to its interaction with a structure typical metal / dielectric. The study of this interaction process is the measurement of features that are four parameters associated with longitudinal modes propagating interface. A comparative study between two structures silver and copper has been established. The characteristic parameters whose behavior is studied in the visible spectrum are the propagation length, and the length of penetration in rural and dielectric material. The typical structure of Kretschmann-Raether being used for the diagnosis of structure, analytical study shows that copper can be used as a guide for photonic transmission. The direction of propagation, the electromagnetic field associated with the interface modes present evanescent spatial coherence with which the behavior is justified by a study of the near field. For this, we have given some results on the density of states of plasmonic modes on a copper-air interface.



  • @johnkenadi1985.

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