
Multi-hazards risks in New York City

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Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, (2018)


<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Megacities are predominantly concentrated along the coast and are greatly exposed to natural hazards. Generally, the assessment of risk to climatic hazards does not yet fully capture the multiple interactions that occur in these complex urban systems. We analyze the risk of New York City as an example of a coastal megacity exposed to multiple hazards which overlap spatially and, in some cases, temporally. The aim is to identify hotspots of multi-hazard risk to support the prioritization of adaptation strategies. We used socio-economic indicators to assess vulnerabilities and risks to three climate related hazards (heat stress, inland flooding and coastal flooding) at high spatial resolution. The analysis incorporates local experts' opinions to identify sources of multi-hazard risk and to weight indicators used in the risk assessment. Results show spatial hotspots of multi-hazard risk principally located in coastal areas. We conclude that New York City is exposed to multiple hazards that interact spatially and temporally and that the city should prioritize adaptation in its coastal areas while considering possible synergies or tradeoffs adapting to spatially overlapping hazards.</p>



  • @rutgerdankers

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