Artikel in einem Konferenzbericht,

NT2OD Online - Bringing Natural Text 2 Object Diagram to the web

, , , und .
ODiSE'10: Ontology-Driven Software Engineering Proceedings, Reno/Tahoe, Nevada, USA, (18.10.2010)


Formalizing textual scenario descriptions by deriving object diagrams from them requires the world knowledge of a software developer. The modeling decisions he makes in the process remain in his head unless he discusses them with others. Although this is an important step in the software development process there is near to no tool support for this. With NT2OD Online we will guide him through the process, suggest modeling decisions and keep track of his decisions to reuse them later. Ultimately, we plan to learn crowd sourced modeling decisions and apply them to new textual scenarios. In this idea paper we present the current state of NT2OD and the plans we have for it.



  • @zasch
  • @butonic
  • @zuendorf

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