Beliebiger Eintrag,

Stellar and Dark Matter Halo Properties of LAEs at $z\sim2$

, , , , , , , , , und .
(2017)cite arxiv:1707.09373Comment: 29 pages, 15 figures, 6 tables, submitted to PASJ. Comments welcome!.


We present average stellar population properties and dark matter halo masses of $z 2$ Ly$\alpha$ emitters (LAEs) from SED fitting to stacked images and clustering analysis, respectively, using $\simeq$ $1250$ $NB387łe25.5$ objects in four separate fields of $1$ deg$^2$ in total. With an average stellar mass of $10.2\, \pm\, 3.010^8\ M_ødot$ and star formation rate of $3.4\, \pm\, 0.7\ M_ødot\ yr^-1$, the LAEs lie on a low-mass extrapolation of the star-formation main sequence (MS) with moderate star formation. Their effective dark matter halo mass is estimated to be $4.0_-2.9^+5.1 10^10\ M_ødot$ with $b_g,\, eff^\rm ave = 1.22^+0.16_-0.18$, which is lower than that of $z 2$ LAEs ($b_g,\, eff = 1.8\, \pm\, 0.3$) obtained by a previous study based on a three times smaller area with a probability of $96\%$, although this difference can be explained if the cosmic variance in these $b_g,\, eff$ is taken into account. Such a low halo mass, if it implies a low HI gas mass, is consistent with high Ly$\alpha$ escape fractions of LAEs observed. Despite the low halo mass and being in the MS mode, our LAEs have a relatively high stellar-to-halo mass ratio (SHMR) and baryon conversion efficiency, converting baryons into stars efficiently until the observed time. The extended Press-Schechter formalism predicts that at $z=0$ our LAEs are typically embedded in halos with masses similar to that of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC); if their SFRs are largely suppressed after $z 2$ as reported for the LMC itself, they will also have similar SHMRs to the LMC.



  • @miki

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