
Non-Compact QED\_3 with N\_f=1 and N\_f=4

, , , und .
Physical Review B, (16.04.2004)
DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.70.104501


We present numerical results for non-compact three-dimensional QED for numbers of flavors N\_f=1 and N\_f=4.In particular, we address the issue of whether chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken in the continuum limit, and obtain a positive answer for N\_f=1, with a dimensionless condensate estimated to be beta^2<psibarpsi> \~= O(10^-3), implying that the critical number of flavors N\_fc>1. We also compare the N\_f=1 and N\_f=4 models by analysing the transition from strong to weak coupling behaviour using an equation of state based on a continuous phase transition. While some qualitative differences emerge, it appears difficult to determine whether N\_f=4 lies above or below N\_fc.



  • @cmcneile

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