Teil eines Buches,

Phenomenological Similarities Observed in Diverse Materials During the Glass Transition

Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


In this contribution the author propose a general and concise relation to obtain the vibrational density of states registered during the glass transition, which is useful to analyze the phenomenological similarities between different amorphous solids. An explicit equation for the determination of the vibrational density of states, in the glass transition for diverse materials should be a welcome addition to the field. Whit this relation, several characteristic features of the glass transition can be studied in a variety of materials ranging from glass forming systems to amino acids and proteins. Particularly, the boson peak dependence with temperature is reproduced; also the relaxing domains and the funnelled energy landscape for salol, l-alanine and bovine serum albumin are obtained. With this general and closed relation is possible advance to predict and quantify some aspects of the glass transition of some materials. Instead of costly computationally efforts, the explicit equation proposed provides of a medium to explore the nature of the glass transition in diverse materials. The next gallery shows: a) the vibrational density of states, b) the boson peak affected by temperature, c) the relaxing domains and the funnelled energy landscape for; d) salol, e) l-alanine and f) bovine serum albumin, respectively.



  • @statphys23

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