Generation and Secularisation in Germany. The succession of Generations up to the Youngest Adult Generation and the Advancing Process of Secularisation
M. Franzmann. Edoc, (2005)11 Seiten. Textidentisch mit: Generation and Secularisation in Germany. The succession of Generations up to the Youngest Adult Generation and the Advancing Process of Secularisation. In: Zostavila Silvia Jozefčiaková (Hg.) Moderné náboženstvo / Modern Religion. Bratislava: Ústav pre vzt’ahy štátu a cirkví, 2005, S. 210-221.
11 Seiten. Textidentisch mit: Generation and Secularisation in Germany. The succession of Generations up to the Youngest Adult Generation and the Advancing Process of Secularisation. In: Zostavila Silvia Jozefčiaková (Hg.) Moderné náboženstvo / Modern Religion. Bratislava: Ústav pre vzt’ahy štátu a cirkví, 2005, S. 210-221
%0 Generic
%1 Franzmann2005b
%A Franzmann, Manuel
%C Frankfurt am Main
%D 2005
%I Goethe Universität
%K Biografieforschung English Generation Germany Promotionsprojekt Publikationen Secularisation Sociology Säkularisierung Youth myown
%T Generation and Secularisation in Germany. The succession of Generations up to the Youngest Adult Generation and the Advancing Process of Secularisation
added-at = {2011-01-27T17:08:29.000+0100},
address = {Frankfurt am Main},
author = {Franzmann, Manuel},
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howpublished = {Edoc},
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keywords = {Biografieforschung English Generation Germany Promotionsprojekt Publikationen Secularisation Sociology Säkularisierung Youth myown},
note = {11 Seiten. Textidentisch mit: Generation and Secularisation in Germany. The succession of Generations up to the Youngest Adult Generation and the Advancing Process of Secularisation. In: Zostavila Silvia Jozefčiaková (Hg.) Moderné náboženstvo / Modern Religion. Bratislava: Ústav pre vzt’ahy štátu a cirkví, 2005, S. 210-221},
publisher = {Goethe Universität},
timestamp = {2021-05-30T12:49:52.000+0200},
title = {Generation and Secularisation in Germany. The succession of Generations up to the Youngest Adult Generation and the Advancing Process of Secularisation},
url = {},
year = 2005