Beliebiger Eintrag,

Hidden Variables and Nonlocality in Quantum Mechanics

(Dezember 2004)


In this paper, we show that Erwin Schroedinger's generalization of the Einstein Podolsky Rosen argument can be connected to certain mathematical theorems - Gleason's and also Kochen and Specker's - in a manner analogous to the relation of EPR itself with Bell's theorem. In both cases, the conclusion is quantum nonlocality, as we discuss. The "Schroedinger nonlocality" proofs share some features with the Greenberger, Horne, and Zeilinger quantum-nonlocality work, yet also differ in significant ways. For clarity and completeness, we begin with a detailed discussion of the topic of hidden variable theorems. We argue, in agreement with John S. Bell, that 'impossibility' does not follow.



  • @a_olympia

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