
Engineering Surveying Course Taught to Civil Engineering Students in KSA Universities A Case Study of Albaha University

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2 (6): 797-801 (Oktober 2018)


Surveying course is one of the fundamental subjects that involved in academic plan of most civil engineering programs. It generally covers topic that concerned with mapping, setting out, earthwork, and design. The course title differs from one program to another. It may appear under the name of surveying, mapping techniques or geomatic. Surveying is applicable in almost all branches of civil engineering whether structure, highways or hydraulic engineering. In surveying courses, some educational problems may face both students and lecturers because of the nature of the subject that consists of practical side and field work applications and communication complicity of knowledge transfer between the two the sides. In addition to student society in which the course presented. This research work tried to study analyze and evaluate examination results of surveying course taught to civil engineering student in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia KSA taking faculty of engineering in Albaha university as a case study. Both courses surveying 1 and surveying 2 were taken into consideration. Results showed that a great chance is available for students to pass the course and only about 7 of students are expected to fail the course. About 19 of student can successfully have grades A to A where, grades D to D represent the dominant grades. Beside that the general trend line of course results tend to be normally distributed. Moreover, analysis showed that both subject results of surveying 1 and surveying 2 were highly correlated. Dr. Nagi Zomrawi Mohammed "Engineering Surveying Course Taught to Civil Engineering Students in KSA Universities: A Case Study of Albaha University" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-6 , October 2018, URL:



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