
Entwicklung einer Multi-Plattform-Benutzerschicht zur tätigkeitsbegleitenden Verwaltung von Phänotypisierungsexperimenten

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Komplexität versus Bedienbarkeit/Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen, volume Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) of Proceedings, page 29-32. Gesellschaft für Informatik in der Land-, Forst- und Ernährungswirtschaft, (2015)


The wide range of available measurement and analysis methods in plant phenotyping and other disciplines of plant sciences produce a steadily growing often heterogeneous amount of experiment data. Apart from the difficulty to implement an appropriate data management and integration platform there is a major problem in the ergonomic query and (semi-automatic) gathering / mapping of such data. To this end, we propose the architecture of a service-oriented multi-platform user layer based on the PhenOMIS framework. This allows you to easily integrate different (mobile) devices for an easy access to activities on the user side (entering and mapping while working, ad-hoc queries of experimental conditions …) without generating significant additional effort by the use of different platforms and devices.



  • @b.bruns

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