
ASSOCIATIONAL LIFE IN AFRICAN CITIES (Popular Responses to the Urban Crisis)

(2001)The discussion of civil society and government, where is presenting rapid population growth and living conditions are very bad. He speaks of an urbanism that must go hand in hand with development and as local governments can not act as if nothing happened with the growing problem of population growth. Although there is a paucity of demographic data, most estimates are usually in the mid-90's, Africa is one of the least urbanized regions of the world even cities and towns are growing faster than anywhere else in the world; and large-scale urbanization is a relatively recent phenomenon. Growth rates continue to rise especially in the less developed areas of the continent, the phenomenon of migration from the countryside to the cities (especially in post-independence years of country) has greatly contributed to population growth in the continent; This phenomenon has gone hand in hand with the urban growth of cities data conclude that some cities have grown more than tenfold in the last decades. Although the process of urbanization and cities in parts of Africa has many years old, just to name cities like Cairo and Alexandria. Since the 1960s, when most African countries gained formal independence until the mid-1990s, African cities have changed in at least four main ways: its size, its spatial organization and morphology, quality and the distribution of public services and infrastructure, and employment base "(UNCHS, 1996: 86). The growth of cities has also created a problem at all (environmental, structural, political, social) fields, and has given way to the emergence thereby a recent problem is the informal urban growth (housing construction informally) is also observed the phenomenon of the informal economy, and formal wages often do not cover the expenses of a family ( sometimes even an individual), therefore many households live from the combination of formal and informal wages. The number of poor in urban areas is growing more rapidly than in rural areas, has increased the number of students who leave school early, this crisis has been attributed to the failure of the government, although some governments in recent years have taken measures to decentralize and become more democratically viable. There are different conceptions of civil society, one of them posed to civil society as a synonym of good society, values, trust, tolerance and cooperation, in addition to the Community interest, other current defensive posture emphasizes the civil society in asserting its autonomy and defend against state interference in their activities. Civil societies are organizational forms. Finally, the document places the civil society between the state and the family as an organized sphere Whatever the nature of the relationship between civil society and the state can have a legitimizing effect or legitimize the exercise of power by estatal.mLas associations usually they linked to non-governmental organizations, as they have internal autonomy, but are not exempt African societies of conflict and division, because there are organizations of all types, and found at all levels, and the nascent organizations we found all kinds from government to NGOs and some with hidden state interests, the problem of classification is further complicated by the fact that most NGOs pursue multiple objectives and it is often difficult to determine which primary objective is the one. Furthermore the book gives some specifications for civil society organizations whose primary goal is for profit, ie companies-are not part of civil society, nor organizations seeking state power, ie, political parties. States that there must be transparency in the public sector, and the way it is exercised by the government largely reflects the prevailing political culture, ie, notions about how people relate to each other in political and public life. Although as determined above governance is a term that can be applied to an organized society, therefore to governance is a particularly useful concept in analyzing the dynamics of urban areas; that is able to incorporate the analyzes in both formal and informal levels. Urban associations influence almost all areas of society, and have different sources of funding, and involve many times the inhabitants of the cities involved in the actions taken by these associations to function smoothly there must be citizen initiatives since they know best their own needs, it is clear that there are strong social groups in urban areas, and often as has weakened the link between urban and rural areas, in order urban associations should play a democratic role in the cities and know their problems (in the case of Africa especially the excessive population growth in recent years). The beginning of the urban crisis begins in the mid-80s, with the shortage of housing and jobs as a major problem in the cities, this is where the services provided by urban associations come, which are emphasized in providing services that the state does not I could, (housing, water, sanitation), watching good results from the 90's these partnerships are formalized and gain international support, but this has made have also become more dependent on external actors influencing its goals, Moreover there are numerous examples across Africa of associations who have made significant contributions to the welfare and home areas of their members. Unfortunately in Africa the majority of voluntary associations remain casual, work on a small scale and has limited resources. The book tells of informal associations in African cities with specific and how these poor associations play a key role in the network of survival of the poorest people examples, discusses the importance of working with people living in informal and how through its informal finance are important in fields such as agricultural production, these networks have a very strong cohesion, there are also social networks are based, work and have in common religion, beliefs and gender, including the book mentions collective savings associations, funds for various needs of members. The inhabitants of African cities have seen with population growth of cities has increased social problems, and how the poorest are the most vulnerable groups, but manage a community life, never seen before, urban policies are pitifully beyond this, and have not had them in mind these associations and informal neighborhoods, which are developed, there is no access to aid that is equal for all citizens, there are some who are marginalized, the formation looks network as a result of competition between actors in obtaining resources for survival and greater social influence. In African cities only they have material resources that go into a "competitive market" A timely example, people grow their own food (rice, fisheries, agriculture mainly) because the purchasing power to the same is very low by the poor, in spite of this there is a problem in today's cities since the places where activities are carried crop tend to disappear because of organizational processes in cities such as Bissau; in this case the labor is proper, they grow their own products, in this case is remarkable as the system has survived centuries and decades of marketing development. But it has not only done in growing rice in particular but also in fishing, which is organized well, it is carried out mainly by women in ports and is exhausting often capital intensive so in partnerships there loans capital, with flexible payments, traders here have a direct relationship with intermediaries that are most take advantage of the sales cycle where suppliers (fishermen) are most exploited; In Bissau there are households that receive monthly remittances between citizens (at least largely) no collaboration in times of crisis. The analysis of social networks has served as a tool to analyze the interactions between the city, these networks have a geographic scope depending on various factors, there are some actors that influence these networks and become the leading time, influencing others support These situations vary from economic and socio-cultural context to another, it is timely to investigate about these social ties in times of crisis, although it is clear that networks are highly variable patterns. The important thing is to highlight the collective efforts that make these poor communities especially in times of crisis, it is important to distinguish between concepts of corporations and urban networks, as the latter are more sensitive to individual needs that most of the associations. Sometimes communities are making efforts to compensate for the absence of the government, the government should strengthen this in the cities of Africa, because to some extent these communities are on their own to fight poverty, for example, therefore ideally communities associated with formal institutions, but often the latter do not. Moreover often decentralized social organizations often face the problem of scarcity of resources to develop the projects. NGOs have organized what they call CACUS. They are social and community organizations working together with official authorities at local level, in most African cities has unstabilized the economy as a result of various factors, including the excessive population growth, and opportunities for many people are very few. Therefore it is understood that you must enter a negotiation process, but with the globalization that exists enter studies many terms, for example in African countries, there are many religious diversity, which limits many algal community organizations, and negotiate with other official organizations. Johannesburg is known as the most developed city in Africa, it is for the 90's was divided between the districts whites with all the comforts and poorest neighborhoods where they lived blacks, plus the city has introduced changes very quickly, so which it was difficult to plan it, and survival of marginalized communities has become commonplace, on the other hand has become South Africa in a desired country due to ignorance in trade by its inhabitants and where investors do their work, taking great out, in all this there is a large network of characters who enrich, product handling, and conflicts between Africans themselves are produced due to the large number of existing scammers, The future of the cities of Johannesburg and Dakar in Africa is uncertain as there is instability, economic, social, and urban development, which leads to less favored sectors to establish links between them becoming stronger, plus many Africans in the specific case Johannesburg did not even know the culture of the city as such, but rather see it as a place to establish businesses and markets; within the city (Johannesburg) there are social and economic abyss, Johannesburg is seen in many parts of Africa as an immigrant city of its own continent. In the government of Swaziland the role of women in the process of sustainable development of the state has been very little, almost no will has been taken into account. Besides the state like many African countries has been little progress on the road to sustainable development, it should be considered an active participation of women in governance and decision making, In the process of migration from rural to urban areas that took place in Swaziland in the period 1960 -1963, there were many restrictions on women, showed a gender discrimination, to get it done face harsh conditions, exacerbated by fluctuations economic, labor shortages, lack of housing and social and cultural factors that have historically marginalized them in society, but instead of returning to field women have adopted strategies, have been associated both formally and informally, to help in various activities, domestic work has been a key point for families, and other key economic case for acquisitions, such as access to land and housing. Moreover found in females shaping burial societies and working together with the church, not only based on economic support in bereavement attaching great importance to women, but also is a psychological support and spiritual. Swaziland find themselves together on women initiatives. Working women are supremely low-income and usually young women migrating from rural to domestic work in homes, which have created informal credit systems, whereby a month and women support step their families to others, it is something like a savings credit where every few months women get together the money they have invested, They have increased informal settlements in cities, which has led some women use different types of relationships with men, as a means of finding shelter, it is clear that there is a lack of recognition of domestic work as legitimate employment for women, it is almost impossible that become owners of real estate formally,.




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