
Some Comments on the Expression of the Image of “Life Tree” In Legends and Narrations

International Journal of Discoveries and Innovations in Applied Sciences, 3 (1): 53-56 (Januar 2023)


Children's folklore, formed as a separate direction in Uzbek folklore, has a long development stage. The initial researches were carried out by Russian orientalists, and later important large-scale researches were carried out by G. Jahangirov, Sh. It was carried out by Galiyev, N. Qurbonova, O. Safarov. The theoretical foundations, genesis, and genre structure of children's folklore found a scientific basis in the 60s and 70s of the 20th century. In particular, the accomplished folklorist scientist O. Safarov theoretically substantiated the genesis and genre nature of children's folklore and showed that it consists of 24 different genres. The article discusses O. Safarov's activities as a collector and publisher, as well as his services as a scientific and theoretical researcher of children's oral poetic creativity. Collections such as "Boychechak", Älla-yo, alla", "El suyarim alla" are analyzed.



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