
Interaction Possibilities in MOOCs – How Do They Actually Happen?

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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are booming. They possibility tostudy whatever, wherever, and whenever for free is convincing to millions of onlinelearners. A main criterion for the success of learning is interaction and communicationas for MOOCs too. But there is little research work to be found according to the ways of MOOC interaction, its usage, and importance so far. This study deals exactly with thesetopics. The results of this study show that there is a lot of distinct “student to student”interaction using social networks and other Web 2.0 possibilities but very little “studentto instructor” interaction. It is a task of the future to strengthen such interaction in order to optimize the learning outcome and community. -- Additional information: e.slideshare.net/mebner/interaction-possibilities-in-moocs-how-do-they-actually-happen



  • @nadinepietras

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