
The index theorem in QCD with a finite cut-off

, , und .
Phys. Lett., (1998)
DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(98)00315-3


Abstract: The fixed point Dirac operator on the lattice has exact chiral zero modes on topologically non-trivial gauge field configurations independently whether these configurations are smooth, or coarse. The relation $n_L-n_R = Q^FP$, where $n_L$ $(n_R)$ is the number of left (right)-handed zero modes and $Q^FP$ is the fixed point topological charge holds not only in the continuum limit, but also at finite cut-off values. The fixed point action, which is determined by classical equations, is local, has no doublers and complies with the no-go theorems by being chirally non-symmetric. The index theorem is reproduced exactly, nevertheless. In addition, the fixed point Dirac operator has no small real eigenvalues except those at zero, i.e. there are no 'exceptional configurations'.



  • @triangel
  • @gber

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