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Indexing Audiovisual Heritage in Germany by SKOSification of Existing Vocabularies, and . 9th European Workshop on Networked Organization Systems and Services 2010 (NKOS 2010) at 14th European Digital Library Conference (ECDL 2010), (2010)Quo Vadis User Generated Metadata, , and . Proc. of 2nd DGI Conference, 64th Annual DGI Meeting -- Social Media and Web Science -- Das Web als Lebensraum, page 251--262. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Informationswissenschaft und Informationspraxis e.V., Frankfurt a. M., (2012)Einführung Social Tagging / Computing (Tutorial 4), , and . (2008)Evaluating the success of vocabulary reconciliation for cultural heritage collections, , , , , and . Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 64 (3): 464--479 (March 2013)Bestandsanalyse, Metadaten und Systematisierung, , and . page 82-101. transfermedia, Potsdam, (2011)