Author of the publication

Performance Analysis of Pools in Soft Real-Time Design Architectures.

, , and . MASCOTS, page 15-22. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)

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Resource Optimization Algorithm for Sparse Time-Driven Sensor Networks., , and . Networking, volume 6091 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 277-290. Springer, (2010)Experimentation and output interchange for petri net models., , , and . WOSP, page 133-138. ACM, (2008)Giving Feedback on MASCOTime Simulation Results., , and . Software Engineering Research and Practice, page 126-134. CSREA Press, (2005)Evolution of Computing in Spanish-Speaking Countries - A Panel Presentation., , , , , and . HCE2, volume 215 of IFIP, page 49-57. Springer, (2006)Web Operational Analysis Through Performance-Related Ontologies in OWL for Intelligent Applications., , and . ICWE, volume 3579 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 612-614. Springer, (2005)How to Automatically Execute Performance Models and Transform Output Into Useful Results., , and . Int. CMG Conference, Computer Measurement Group, (2009)Performance Modelling of Interaction Protocols for Component-Based System Design Using Object-Oriented Simulation., and . ECBS, page 115-124. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Performance Analysis of Pools in Soft Real-Time Design Architectures., , and . MASCOTS, page 15-22. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)Scalable QoS Content-Aware Load Balancing Algorithm for a Web Switch Based on Classical Policies., , , and . AINA, page 934-941. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Approximate Performance Models of Real-Time Software Systems., and . MASCOTS, page 163-167. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)