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How to represent continuous piecewise linear functions in closed form., и . I. J. Circuit Theory and Applications, 34 (6): 617-635 (2006)Global properties of continuous piecewise linear vector fields. Part I: Simplest case in ℝ2., и . I. J. Circuit Theory and Applications, 19 (3): 251-307 (1991)Global properties of continuous piecewise linear vector fields. Part II: Simplest symmetric case in ℝ2., и . I. J. Circuit Theory and Applications, 20 (1): 9-46 (1992)A fast algorithm for representing continuous piecewise linear functions in closed form., и . I. J. Circuit Theory and Applications, 35 (5-6): 597-610 (2007)Sustainable Development Initiatives Making or Marring the Livelihood of the Pygmies of Cameroon. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TREND IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 6 (7): 72-91 (января 2023)