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Improving OCR Accuracy on Early Printed Books by combining Pretraining, Voting, and Active Learning., , , and . CoRR, (2018)Korrektur von fehlerhaften OCR Ergebnissen durch automatisches Alignment mit Texten eines Korpus., , , , , and . DHd, (2019)Comparison of Methods for Automatic Relation Extraction in German Novels., , , , , , and . DHd, (2017)Annotation and beyond - Using ATHEN Annotation and Text Highlighting Environment., , , , , , and . DHd, (2018)Deep Learning using temporal information for automatic polyp detection., , , and . EndoCV@ISBI, volume 3148 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 14-19., (2022)Sematische Annotierung von Arztbriefen zur Generierung diagnostischer Trainingsfälle., , , , and . DeLFI, volume P-52 of LNI, page 247-258. GI, (2004)Evaluation of Patient's Attitude Towards Computer Supported History Taking., , , and . EFMI-STC, volume 258 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, page 194-198. IOS Press, (2019)Approaches for resolving the dilemma between model structure refinement and parameter calibration in agent-based simulations., , and . EUMAS, page 148-159. Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, (2005)Übersicht über heuristische, fallbasierte und modellbasierte Problemlösungsmethoden in der Diagnostik.. WLP, volume 90 of GMD Report, page 35-41. (2000)Objektorientierte Datenbanksysteme - Editorial., , and . Inform. Spektrum, 16 (2): 67-68 (1993)