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Mining Evolving User Profiles in Noisy Web Clickstream Data with a Scalable Immune System Clustering Algorithm, , and . (2003)Iterated Algorithmic Bias in the Interactive Machine Learning Process of Information Filtering., , and . KDIR, page 108-116. SciTePress, (2018)RAIN: data clustering using randomized interactions between data points., , and . ICMLA, page 250-255. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)How to Build an Ontology Driven Information Retrieval System., , , and . IKE, page 80-85. CSREA Press, (2009)Mining web access logs using relational competitive fuzzy clustering, , , and . In Proceedings of the Eight International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, (1999)A New Gravitational Clustering Algorithm., , and . SDM, page 83-94. SIAM, (2003)One Step Evolutionary Mining of Context Sensitive Associations and Web Navigation Patterns., and . SDM, page 531-547. SIAM, (2002)Multi-model Ontology-Based Hybrid Recommender System in E-learning Domain., , , and . Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops, page 91-95. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)978-0-7695-3801-3.Online Evaluation of Patterns from Evolving Web Data Streams., and . Web Intelligence, page 315-318. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Toward Integrating the Pedagogical Dimension in Automatic Learner Modeling within E-learning Systems., , and . ICALT, page 642-644. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)