Author of the publication

OntoGame: Weaving the Semantic Web by Online Games.

, and . ESWC, volume 5021 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 751-766. Springer, (2008)

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Towards the Semantic Web in e-Tourism: Lack of Semantics or Lack of Content?, , and . Poster Proceedings of the 3rd Annual European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2006), Budva, Montenegro, (June 2006)SeaFish: A Game for Collaborative and Visual Image Annotation and Interlinking., , , , and . ESWC (2), volume 6644 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 466-470. Springer, (2011)FolksOntology: An Integrated Approach for Turning Folksonomies into Ontologies, , and . Bridging the Gep between Semantic Web and Web 2.0 (SemNet 2007), page 57-70. (2007)Human Intelligence in the Process of Semantic Content Creation, and . World Wide Web, 13 (1): 33-59 (March 2009)Harvesting Wiki Consensus: Using Wikipedia Entries as Vocabulary for Knowledge Management, , and . IEEE Internet Computing, 11 (5): 54-65 (2007)SpotTheLink: playful alignment of ontologies., , and . SAC, page 1711-1712. ACM, (2011)Web Service Discovery–A Reality Check, , , and . (2006)OntoGame: Games with a Purpose for the Semantic Web. ESWC 2008 Ph. D. Symposium, (2008)Towards Open Ontology Engineering.. KWEPSY, volume 275 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2007)OntoGame: Weaving the Semantic Web by Online Games., and . ESWC, volume 5021 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 751-766. Springer, (2008)