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Controlling Chaotic Motions in Chua's Circuit via Tunnels., , and . ISCAS, page 89-92. IEEE, (1994)Haptic steering direction guidance for pedestrian-vehicle collision avoidance., , and . SMC, page 3327-3332. IEEE, (2012)Shared automation of lane change for avoiding forward obstacle., and . SMC, page 3782-3787. IEEE, (2016)Design and evaluation of situation-adaptive pedestrian-vehicle collision avoidance system., , and . SMC, page 1063-1068. IEEE, (2011)How Do Cognitive Distraction Affect Driver Intent of Changing Lanes?, , and . ICIRA, volume 5928 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 235-244. Springer, (2009)Development of a Short-Form Learning Style Inventory for Automated Driving Safety Education., , , , , , , and . TALE, page 847-851. IEEE, (2020)Application of LargeSpace for Investigating Pedestrians' Behaviors when Interacting with Autonomous Vehicles in Shared Spaces., , , , and . VR Workshops, page 97-100. IEEE, (2022)Adaptive automation as an ultimate means for assuring safety., and . IFAC HMS, page 443-448. International Federation of Automatic Control, (2007)Effects of Demographic Characteristics on Trust in Driving Automation., , , and . J. Robotics Mechatronics, 32 (3): 605-612 (2020)Safety Compensation for Improving Driver Takeover Performance in Conditionally Automated Driving., , , and . J. Robotics Mechatronics, 32 (3): 530-536 (2020)