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A Non-traditional Inference Paradigm for Learned Ontologies

. Proceedings of ESWC2007 Doctoral Symposium, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, (2007)

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Imprecise Empirical Ontology Refinement: An Application to Taxonomy Acquisition. Proceedings of ICEIS 2007, vol. Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, INSTICC, (2007)In press..A Non-traditional Inference Paradigm for Learned Ontologies. Proceedings of ESWC2007 Doctoral Symposium, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, (2007)Aiding the Data Integration in Medicinal Settings by Means of Semantic Technologies, , and . Proceedings of ESTC2007/MSWFB Workshop, Semantic Technology Institute International, (2007)Extending Community Ontology Using Automatically Generated Suggestions, , , and . Proceedings of FLAIRS 2007, AAAI Press, (2007)Semi-automatic Integration of Learned Ontologies into a Collaborative Framework, , and . Proceedings of ESWC2007/IWOD Workshop, University of Innsbruck, (2007)Dynamic Integration of Medical Ontologies in Large Scale, , and . Proceedings of WWW2007/HCLSDI Workshop, ACM Press, (2007)