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A Native and Adaptive Approach for Unified Processing of Linked Streams and Linked Data., , , and . ISWC (1), volume 7031 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 370-388. Springer, (2011)A Context Lifecycle for Web-Based Context Management Services., , and . EuroSSC, volume 5741 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 51-65. Springer, (2009)Beyond the Hype: Why Do Data-Driven Projects Fail?, , , , , and . HICSS, page 1-10. ScholarSpace, (2021)Convergence of Utility Computing with the Internet-of-Things., , and . IMIS, page 874-879. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)A Phase Model for E-Commerce Business Models and its Application to Security Assessment., , and . HICSS, IEEE Computer Society, (2001)P2P Information Systems., and . ICDE, page 187. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Semantic Tagging of Places Based on User Interest Profiles from Online Social Networks., , and . ECIR, volume 7814 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 218-229. Springer, (2013)Linked Stream Data Processing., , and . Reasoning Web, volume 7487 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 245-289. Springer, (2012)QoS-Based Service Selection and Ranking with Trust and Reputation Management., , and . OTM Conferences (1), volume 3760 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 466-483. Springer, (2005)Fine-Grained Access Control for RDF Data on Mobile Devices., , , , , and . WISE (1), volume 8180 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 478-487. Springer, (2013)