Author of the publication

Prototyping-based Usability-oriented Knowledge Systems Engineering.

, and . MuC, page 33-42. Oldenbourg Verlag, (2012)

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iTree: Skill-building User-centered Clarification Consultation Interfaces., and . KEOD, page 137-142. SciTePress, (2012)A Survey on Usability Evaluation Techniques and an Analysis of their actual Application, and . Technical Report, 450. Department of Computer Science, (October 2008)UI-, User-, & Usability-Oriented Engineering of Participative Knowledge-Based Systems.. Julius Maximilians University Würzburg, Germany, (2014)Prototyping-based Usability-oriented Knowledge Systems Engineering., and . MuC, page 33-42. Oldenbourg Verlag, (2012)Spreadsheet-Based Knowledge Acquisition for Facilitating Active Domain Expert Participation., , and . EKAW (Satellite Events), volume 8982 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 111-115. Springer, (2014)iTree: Skill-building User-centered Clarification Consultation Interfaces (Resubmission of KEOD 2012 article, and . LWA-2012 (Special Track on Knowledge Management), (2012)Pattern-driven Knowledge Systems Engineering., and . KESE@ECAI, volume 1289 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2014)Usability Assessment of Knowledge-Based Consultation Systems. Technical Report, 457. Department of Computer Science, (March 2009)Prototyping-based Usability-oriented Knowledge Systems Engineering, and . Mensch und Computer 2012---12. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien., Oldenbourg Verlag, (2013)Erratum to "Extensible Prototyping for pragmatic engineering of knowledge-based systems" ESWA 39 (11) (2012) 10177-10190., , and . Expert Syst. Appl., 39 (12): 11324 (2012)