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The Right Data at the Right Moment for the Right Person - User Requirements and Their Implications for the Design of Indoor Navigation Systems., , , , , and . IPIN, page 1-8. IEEE, (2021)Signatures of mutational processes in human cancer, , , , , , , , , and 64 other author(s). Nature, 500 (7463): 415--421 (August 2013)Human Climbing and Bouldering Motion Analysis: A Survey on Sensors, Motion Capture, Analysis Algorithms, Recent Advances and Applications., , , and . VISIGRAPP (5: VISAPP), page 751-758. SCITEPRESS, (2020)An Approach for Skeleton Fitting in Long-Wavelength Infrared Images - First Results for a Robust Head Localisation using Probability Masks., , and . VISIGRAPP (5: VISAPP), page 373-379. SciTePress, (2018)Contact-less Vital Parameter Determination: An e-Health Solution for Elderly Care., , and . VISIGRAPP (5: VISAPP), page 908-915. SciTePress, (2019)Recurrent mutation of the ID3 gene in Burkitt lymphoma identified by integrated genome, exome and transcriptome sequencing, , , , , , , , , and 45 other author(s). Nature genetics, 44 (12): 1316–1320 (2012)Biological characterization of adult MYC-translocation-positive mature B-cell lymphomas other than molecular Burkitt lymphoma, , , , , , , , , and 13 other author(s). Haematologica, 99 (4): 726–735 (2014)Translocations activating IRF4 identify a subtype of germinal center-derived B-cell lymphoma affecting predominantly children and young adults, , , , , , , , , and 22 other author(s). Blood, 118 (1): 139–147 (2011)Activity Recognition based on High-Level Reasoning - An Experimental Study Evaluating Proximity to Objects and Pose Information., , , , and . ICPRAM, page 415-422. SciTePress, (2016)A Prototype for Navigation in Signed Directed Graphs of Chemical Processes., , , , , , , and . ETFA, page 1-4. IEEE, (2023)