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Recurrent mutation of the ID3 gene in Burkitt lymphoma identified by integrated genome, exome and transcriptome sequencing., , , , , , , , , and 46 other author(s). Nat Genet, 44 (12): 1316--1320 (December 2012)Fast and sensitive mapping of bisulfite-treated sequencing data., , and . Bioinform., 28 (13): 1698-1704 (2012)A simple data-adaptive probabilistic variant calling model., , and . Algorithms Mol. Biol., (2015)deepBlockAlign: a tool for aligning RNA-seq profiles of read block patterns., , , , , and . Bioinform., 28 (1): 17-24 (2012)Alu elements in ANRIL non-coding RNA at chromosome 9p21 modulate atherogenic cell functions through trans-regulation of gene networks, , , , , , , , , and 8 other author(s). PLoS genetics, 9 (7): e1003588 (2013)Anti-CD3 Stimulated T Cell Transcriptome Reveals Novel ncRNAs and Correlates with a Suppressive Profile., , , , , , , and . BSB, volume 12558 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 180-191. Springer, (2020)How Authors Benefit from Linear Logic in the Authoring Process of Interactive Storyworlds., , , and . ICIDS, volume 7069 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 249-260. Springer, (2011)Lacking alignments? The next-generation sequencing mapper segemehl revisited., , and . Bioinform., 30 (13): 1837-1843 (2014)Fast Mapping of Short Sequences with Mismatches, Insertions and Deletions Using Index Structures., , , , , , , and . PLoS Comput. Biol., (2009)Genominformatische Verfahren zur Analyse von Daten der Hochdurchsatzsequenzierung.. Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen, volume D-15 of LNI, GI, (2014)