Author of the publication

Massively Parallel Seismic Data Wavelet Processing Using Advanced Grid Workflows.

, , and . ICT Innovations, page 411-419. Springer, (2009)

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ULMon - Grid nonitoring from user point of view., and . ITI, page 621-626. IEEE, (2009)Optimization of Intermolecular Interaction Potential Energy Parameters for Monte-Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Simulations., , and . LSSC, volume 7116 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 464-471. Springer, (2011)Parallel Machine Translation for gLite Based Grid Infrastructures., and . ICT Innovations, volume 83 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 133-141. (2010)Correlation between Object-Oriented Metrics and Refactoring., and . ICT Innovations, volume 83 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 226-235. (2010)Grids in the Near Future: A Technical and Social Review., and . ICT Innovations, page 421-428. Springer, (2009)Visual simulator for ILP dynamic OOO processor., and . WCAE, page 18. ACM, (2004)User Level Grid Quality of Service., and . LSSC, volume 5910 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 507-514. Springer, (2009)Implementation of Hybrid Monte Carlo (Molecular Dynamics) Quantum Mechanical Methodology for Modeling of Condensed Phases on High Performance Computing Environment., , and . ICT Innovations, volume 150 of Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, page 269-277. Springer, (2011)CodeFu: coding competition as a tool for industry university collaboration., , , , , and . WISE@ASE, page 63-68. ACM, (2014)Change Management and Version Control of Scientific Applications., and . CoRR, (2014)