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Final NEPOMUK Architecture Deliverable D6.2.B, , , and . D 6.2.B. NEPOMUK Consortium, (December 2008)The NEPOMUK Project - On the way to the Social Semantic Desktop, , , , , , , , , and . Proceedings of I-Semantics' 07, page 201--211. JUCS, (September 2007)Collaboration on the Social Semantic Desktop, , , , , and . Proceedings of the Ubiquitous Mobile Information and Collaboration Systems Workshop (UMICS 2007), CAISE 2007, Trondheim, Norway, (2007)Load Balancing for Imbalanced Data Sets: Classifying Scientific Artefacts for Evidence Based Medicine., , , and . PRICAI, volume 8862 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 972-984. Springer, (2014)Extracting Disease-Phenotype Relations from Text with Disease-Phenotype Concept Recognisers and Association Rule Mining., and . CBMS, page 358-363. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Bridging the Gap between Linked Data and the Semantic Desktop, , and . (2009)The NEPOMUK semantic desktop, , , and . Context and Semantics for Knowledge Management, Springer, (2011)Experiences with Modeling Composite Phenotypes in the SKELETOME Project., , and . ISWC (2), volume 7650 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 82-97. Springer, (2012)Semantic Similarity-Driven Decision Support in the Skeletal Dysplasia Domain., , , and . ISWC (2), volume 7650 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 164-179. Springer, (2012)Interacting with Linked Data via Semantically Annotated Widgets., , and . JIST, volume 7185 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 300-317. Springer, (2011)