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Combining Metadata and Document Search with Spreading Activation for Semantic Desktop Search, , and . Proc. of ESWC, page 569-583. Springer, (June 2008)A cooler title for a test article, and . (2008)Cool URIs for the Semantic Web, , and . Technical Memo, TM-07-01. Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH, Germany, (February 2007)PIMO-a PIM Ontology for the Semantic Desktop. Draft, DFKI, (2006)RDFHomepage, , and . volume 183 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings ISSN 1613-0073, (June 2006)Cool URIs for the Semantic Web, and . W3C Interest Group Note, W3C, (December 2008)Presentation of NEPOMUK and Case Studies at Oil Industry Norway Semantic Web Days. (April 2008)Personalization in the EPOS project, , , , , and . Proceedings of the Semantic Web Personalization Workshop at the ESWC, page 42 - 52. (2006)EPOS -- Guiding Example, , , , , and . internal report, DFKI, (2004)Semantic Web am Desktop. Entwickler Magazin, 2008 (1): 119-122 (December 2007)Aimed for Popular Science and Developers.