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Sound Script Supporting the Acquisition of Character Writing by Multisensory Integration, , , , and . Open Psychology Journal, 8, page 230-237. (January 2016)Verfahren zum automatischen Steuern eines Fahrzeugs, Vorrichtung zum Erzeugen von Steuersignalen für ein Fahrzeug, , , , , and . (2015)A Kinematic Chain Space for Monocular Motion Capture., , and . ECCV Workshops (4), volume 11132 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 31-47. Springer, (2018)Integration of Gaussian process and MRF for hyperspectral image classification., , , and . JURSE, page 1-4. IEEE, (2015)Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images, , , , and . Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, (2019)Adaptive Pose Estimation for Different Corresponding Entities., and . DAGM-Symposium, volume 2449 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 265-273. Springer, (2002)Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Detection and Counting of Diatoms on Coatings after Short-Term Field Exposure, , , and . Environmental Science and Technology, 54 (16): 10022-10030 (2020)Localization of Cochlear Implant Electrodes from Cone Beam Computed Tomography using Particle Belief Propagation, , , and . International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, ISBI, (April 2021)Structuring Autoencoders., , and . ICCV Workshops, page 615-623. IEEE, (2019)Blind Knowledge Distillation for Robust Image Classification, , , and . arXiv, (November 2022)