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Mutual Affects in Computer-mediated Collaborative Learning: Positive Feelings Shared by Collaborators Enhance System Evaluations.

, , , , and . CogSci,, (2012)

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Towards a Culturally Independent Participatory Design Method: Fusing Game Elements into the Design Process., , and . Culture and Computing, page 92-97. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Psychology of user experience in a collaborative video-conference system., , , , and . CSCW, page 187-196. ACM, (2012)Messages embedded in gaze of interface agents - impression management with agent's gaze., , , , and . CHI, page 41-48. ACM, (2002)Estimating human interruptibility in the home for remote communication., , , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 1397-1402. ACM, (2006)The Layout for the User-Friendly Manual: Case Study on an Internet Set-Up Manual., , , , and . HCI (10), volume 6770 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 40-45. Springer, (2011)Environment-Centered Approach to ICT Service Design., , and . HCI (13), volume 8016 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 347-356. Springer, (2013)Estimating Interruptibility in the Home for Remote Communication Based on Audio-Visual Tracking., , , and . Inf. Media Technol., 2 (2): 592-600 (2007)Diverse information fragments to enhance troubleshooting efficiency., , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 2563-2568. ACM, (2014)Weak gaze awareness in video-mediated communication.. CHI Extended Abstracts, page 1709-1712. ACM, (2005)Just blink your eyes: a head-free gaze tracking system., , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 950-957. ACM, (2003)