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Using Information Systems to Sense Opportunities for Innovation: Integrating Postadoptive Use Behaviors with the Dynamic Managerial Capability Perspective., , and . J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 33 (1): 45-69 (2016)Diagnosing and Managing Online B2C Relationships: Toward a B2C Relationship Stage Theory.. AMCIS, page 378. Association for Information Systems, (2007)Effective use of analytic DSS and job performance: Looking beyond technology acceptance., and . J. Organ. Comput. Electron. Commer., 29 (2): 125-138 (2019)Collaboration using Mobile Technologies (MCTs): When is it essential?, , and . ICMB, page 12. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Electronic medical record system avoidance in a turbulent environment., , , and . Inf. Manag., 53 (5): 581-590 (2016)Operationalizing Multidimensional Constructs in Structural Equation Modeling: Recommendations for IS Research., , , and . Commun. Assoc. Inf. Syst., (2012)A Look at How Levels of Vividness and Social Presence Affect Trust in a Decision Aid., , and . AMCIS, page 382. Association for Information Systems, (2005)Mapping the Need for Mobile Collaboration Technologies: A Fit Perspective., , , and . IJeC, 6 (4): 32-53 (2010)What Are Your Intentions: An Empirical Analysis of the Distinction between Behavioral Intentions and Behavioral Goals?, , and . HICSS, page 1-10. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)