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An overview of Ciao and its design philosophy

, , , , , , and . CoRR, (2011)

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The CIAO Multi-Dialect Compiler and System: An Experimentation Workbench for Future (C)LP Systems., , , , , , and . APPIA-GULP-PRODE, page 105-110. (1996)Efficient Term Size Computation for Granularity Control., and . ICLP, page 647-661. MIT Press, (1995)Non-Failure Analysis for Logic Programs., , and . ICLP, page 48-62. MIT Press, (1997)Inferring Energy Bounds Statically by Evolutionary Analysis of Basic Blocks., , , and . CoRR, (2016)Towards Independent And-Parallelism in CLP., , and . PLILP, volume 1140 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 77-91. Springer, (1996)Constraint-Based Runtime Prediction of SLA Violations in Service Orchestrations., , and . ICSOC, volume 7084 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 62-76. Springer, (2011)Towards execution time estimation in abstract machine-based languages., , , and . PPDP, page 174-184. ACM, (2008)A Sketch of a Complete Scheme for Tabled Execution Based on Program Transformation., , and . ICLP, volume 5366 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 795-800. Springer, (2008)&ACE: a high-performance parallel Prolog system., , and . IPPS, page 564-571. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)An Overview of the Ciao System., , , , , , , and . RuleML Europe, volume 6826 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 2. Springer, (2011)