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Evaluation models for housing loan allocation in the context of floats., , and . Context Sensitive Decision Support Systems, volume 111 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 174-189. Chapman & Hall, (1998)Multi-Attribute Decision Modeling: Industrial Applications of DEX., and . Informatica (Slovenia), (1999)A Hierarchical Multi-Attribute Model for Bank Reputational Risk Assessment., , , , and . DSS, volume 261 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, page 92-103. IOS Press, (2014)Detection of dependencies between literature domains through relation extraction and copulas., , , and . CoDIT, page 302-307. IEEE, (2016)Integration of machine learning insights into organizational learning: A case of B2B sales forecasting., , and . Bled eConference, page 33. (2015)Feature Transformation by Function Decomposition., , , and . IEEE Intelligent Systems, 13 (2): 38-43 (1998)Function Decomposition in Machine Learning., , , and . Machine Learning and Its Applications, volume 2049 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 71-101. Springer, (2001)Extracting decision models for ski injury prediction from data., , and . Int. Trans. Oper. Res., 30 (6): 3429-3454 (November 2023)A function-decomposition method for development of hierarchical multi-attribute decision models., and . Decis. Support Syst., 36 (3): 215-233 (2004)A Qualitative Multi-attribute Model for Economic and Ecological Evaluation of Genetically Modified Crops., , , , and . EnviroInfo, page 661-668. Masaryk University Brno, (2005)