Brisk is the best AI for teachers and schools, offering free AI tools for education that fit seamlessly into your routine. With an AI lesson plan generator and tools for instruction, feedback, and differentiation, Brisk helps lighten your workload. Grade essays before the bell or create lesson plans in seconds. Install now and thank yourself all year!
Create and adapt classroom-ready educational resources in minutes with Monsha, the best AI tool for teachers, educators, and schools. Save valuable hours on course, unit, and lesson planning with ease. Generate and differentiate lessons, quizzes, worksheets, presentations, assessments and more.
Yhdenvertaisuus- ja tasa-arvolautakunnan päätös on ensimmäinen laatuaan.
Uskonnoton lapsi kuuli koulussa laulun Jeesuksesta – nyt Hämeenlinna joutuu maksamaan 1 500 euron hyvityksen
Yhdenvertaisuus- ja tasa-arvolautakunnan päätös on ensimmäinen laatuaan.
Vastuu koulussa pidettävän tilaisuuden sisällöstä on aina koulutuksen järjestäjällä.
Leena-Kaisa Laakso
31.10. 2024
This complimentary comprehensive resource is designed for patients and family care partners who wish to share their personal journeys to drive meaningful change in healthcare, as well as for organizations looking to cultivate a storytelling culture within their institutions to promote greater healing.
There is a powerful link between storytelling and healthcare transformation. Storytelling can fundamentally reshape how care is delivered, perceived, and improved. It is the responsibility of healthcare organizations to listen to these stories and use them to drive meaningful change.
California Law Requires Schools to Teach Students About AI
A new law, passed unanimously by both legislative chambers, mandates AI literacy in school curricula. In response, the state is moving to incorporate those studies in math, science and history-social science.
Linnea Lindqvist dec. -23 i Expressen: Friskolestraffet. Och: Politikerna vill att populära kommunala skolor ska stängas. Annars hade de avskaffat systemet som göder friskolekoncerner och och svälter ut kommuner.
Informing product leads and their teams of innovators, designers, and developers as they work toward safety, security, and trust while creating AI products and services for use in education.
The work of the EDSAFE centers around the SAFE Benchmarks Framework as we engage stakeholders to align equitable outcomes for all learners and improved working experiences for dedicated and innovative educators. We intend to clarify the urgency and specific areas of need to prevent failures in data management that compromise the potential for how responsible AI can be a lever for equity and innovation while protecting student privacy. Frameworks and benchmarks are important to innovation as a means of targeted guidance, focusing disparate efforts towards shared objectives and outcomes and ensuring the development of appropriate guidelines and guardrails.
L. Anastasiou, and A. De Liddo. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language-driven Deliberation Technology (DELITE) @ LREC-COLING 2024, page 45-51. Torino, Italia, ELRA and ICCL, (May 2024)