Seminarplan-Austausch-Plattform Diese Sammlung ist aus einem gemeinsamen Interesse entstanden, insbesondere in Deutschland neue Wege zu finden, kritische Theorie(n) zu unterrichten. Auch im Bereich kritischer Theoriebildung sind Seminarpläne häufig von weißen, europäischen und männlichen Autoren geprägt, während andere Theorietraditionen, lokale Diskurse und Schulen weniger sichtbar sind. Das Ziel dieser Plattform ist es, Dozierenden, Studierenden und Aktivist*innen…
Die wichtigsten Fakten:
- Globalisierungskritiker gewinnen in Europa und den USA an Einfluss
- Positiver Wohlstandseffekt des Welthandels unter Experten kaum umstritten
- Asien könnte Handelslücken zunehmend schließen
Given the rising public concern, “we need more transparency, sensitivity, openness and time” to build public support for trade, Lamy said, arguing that opposition should not be caricatured as merely “Trotskyists or old-fashioned protectionists.”
“It’s a huge political mistake to cry wolf now. We just have to work harder to gain public legitimization for trade in the growing pressure,” he said. “Trade opening works because it hurts, and it hurts because it works.”
For 200 years, there have been two broad approaches to understanding what determines the distribution of income – and how the economy functions. It is important to understand both schools of thought, because rising inequality is forcing us to leave one and enter the other.
Financial meltdown, environmental disaster and even the rise of Donald Trump – neoliberalism has played its part in them all. Why has the left failed to come up with an alternative?
We should no longer buy the statistically strained arguments about F.T.A.s delivering growth and jobs. The evidence just isn’t there, a fact not lost on those campaigning for president.
G. Tulodziecki, B. Herzig, and S. Grafe. Enzyklopädie Erziehungswissenschaft Online. Fachgebiet Methoden der empirischen erziehungswissenschaftlichen Forschung Juventa, Weinheim, (2014)