How to clean window screens simply and quickly, using a garden hose, cleaner, soft-bristled brush, and just a bit of scrubbing, helping keep their shape
How to Clean Spider Webs From Window Screens. Cleaning spider webs from window screens is a lot easier than it may sound. You can use water and a special spider web deterrent solution to keep spiders and their unsightly webs away from your window...
Window screens are wonderful because they allow you to have fresh air and sunlight without the annoyance of insects and other unwanted visitors in your
Update: Several readers point out the ferrite beads are not necessarily magnets—just hunks of iron. Our apologies! Do your speakers buzz and crackle whenever a new text message or
Earlier today we showed you how to kill your mobile phone speaker buzz by applying small metal sleeves to your speaker wires. If that's not an option for you