
Lessons from a lost world: messages from the mental hospital era - McCrae - 2017 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - Wiley Online Library


Who are the famous figures of mental health nursing? How does the past inform the future of mental health care? Pertinent questions, you might think. Yet in my experience, as a nurse educator and extracurricular historian of mental health nursing, they are not readily answerable by qualified or budding practitioners. The first would expose a remarkable lack of celebrated figures in our field. General nursing has its heroine in Florence Nightingale, but asking students to name pioneers of psychiatric nursing draws a blank stare. The second question relates to the transformation from institutional to community-based care. Perceptions of the asylum are often polarised between a dark age of oppression and a pastoral idyll. To read the full article, log in using your SSSFT NHS OpenAthens details.




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