
BMA - Abortion Act 1967 - the BMA's policies


BMA, Briefing Paper on The Abortion Act 1967, November 2007 Summary of the BMA's position on the Abortion Act The BMA supports amending the Abortion Act 1967 so that, in the first trimester (up to 13 weeks): * abortion is available on the same basis of informed consent as other treatment, without the need to meet specific medical criteria * the requirement for two doctors to confirm that the abortion meets the legal criteria is removed. The BMA believes that: * any changes in relation to first trimester abortion should not impact adversely on the availability of later abortions. The BMA does not support: * any reduction in the current 24-week time limit * the extension of nurses or midwives roles in abortion under the Act * extending the current rules regarding “approved premises”.




  • @kclmel

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