
Intervention to Improve Medication Management: Qualitative Outcomes From a Phase I Randomized Controlled Trial - ProQuest


The American Journal of Occupational Therapy; Bethesda Vol. 71, Iss. 6,  (Nov/Dec 2017): 1-10. [...]the PI entered the study with a strong background in occupational therapy, qualitative research, and medication management. [...]she had a strong familiarity with the phenomena through clinical practice, her experiences as a medication consumer, and her experiences as a caregiver to family members with complex chronic health conditions taking multiple medications. According to the medication diaries, the average adherence rate in the OTIG stayed the same, changing from a mean percentage adherence of 98.58 (standard deviation [SD] = 8.53) at baseline to a mean of 98.95 (SD = 2.81) at follow-up. [...]participants suggested that good therapeutic rapport (identified by comments about caring staff, feelings of validation, and being listened to) facilitated the effectiveness of the intervention. In this study, the OTIG participants demonstrated greater self-perceived improvements, developed more medication management strategies, and implemented more strategies at home than did participants in the SCIG. [...]participants indicated that the occupational therapy profession's expertise in client education, advocacy, assistive technology, environmental modifications, self-monitoring, and therapeutic communication facilitated the intervention. To read the full article, log in using your NHS OpenAthens details.




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