
18 Embarrassing Game AI Bugs Caught On Tape… and Fixed! | AiGameDev.com


Here's a list of the eighteen best, quirkiest, and most informative artificial intelligence bugs available on YouTube we've collected over the past 12 months. In the spirit of AiGameDev.com, you'll find a bunch of tips & tricks to help fix these problems when/if you see them in your own game. First, a disclaimer. While certainly fun, this is also a difficult feature for me to write; the draft has been waiting to be finished up and published for over 6 months. There are already many video collections of AI bugs on also-ran Game News sites, but the difference here is that I've personally met or worked online with most of the developers behind these games — and many of them read this blog (RSS). I'm hoping the controversial aspect of this article is overshadowed by the useful analysis and the importance of the topic. The fact is, if you look beyond the sensationalist headline, social media websites are dramatically changing the way games are received by gamers and the community at large. And AI in games is no exception here... In fact, there seems to be increasingly more pressure and scrutiny on the behavior of game characters. Luckily, this new area of social media means there's also lots to learn from!




  • @msteininger
  • @hotho

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