
Debate: Looking forward: choose data over opinions to best serve youth with bipolar spectrum disorders – commentary on Parry et al. (2018) - Van Meter - 2019 - Child and Adolescent Mental Health - Wiley Online Library


Over the past two decades, research on pediatric bipolar disorder has grown geometrically. The diagnosis of pediatric bipolar disorder was met with enthusiasm, which in healthy doses catalyzed change, and skepticism, which in good measure pushes for rigor. Skepticism led to productive questions about the phenomenology of pediatric bipolar disorder and how best to diagnose and treat it. With regard to prevalence, key questions included whether it was increasing over time, and whether it was limited to the United States. In 2011, we published a meta‐analysis addressing the prevalence questions; results indicated that bipolar disorder manifested at statistically indistinguishable rates in youth community samples across the world. In their recent paper, Parry et al. examine the studies included in the 2011 meta‐analysis using a qualitative approach. Their opinion piece represents a step backwards; every study has shortcomings, but in focusing on a dozen individual studies, Parry et al. fail to take into account the preponderance of evidence – literally thousands of articles across countries, cohorts and methodologies – that support the existence of bipolar disorder in both prepubescent youth and adolescents. This commentary addresses misperceptions regarding the diagnosis of bipolar disorder in youth,...... To read the full article, log in using your NHS Athens details. To access full-text: click “Log in/Register” (top right hand side). Click ‘Institutional Login’ then select 'OpenAthens Federation', then ‘NHS England’. Enter your Athens details to view the article.




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