
Ques­tions and Answers in Lin­guis­tics


Ques­tions and Answers in Lin­guis­tics (QAL) is a free online peer-reviewed jour­nal pub­lished by Cen­ter for Gen­eral and Com­par­a­tive Lin­guis­tics at the Uni­ver­sity of Wrocław. QAL presents papers focused on espe­cially prob­lem­atic areas of lin­guis­tic research, based on data from diverse lan­guages. As far as the­o­ret­i­cal analy­ses are con­cerned, we are pri­mar­ily inter­ested in works within the gen­er­a­tive par­a­digm, although papers using dif­fer­ent the­o­ret­i­cal approaches can also be con­sid­ered. We express an inter­est in inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research employ­ing meth­ods from typol­ogy, his­tor­i­cal stud­ies, cor­pus stud­ies and exper­i­men­tal psy­cho– or neu­rolin­guis­tics pro­vid­ing an empir­i­cal back­ground to purely the­o­ret­i­cal research. We assume that an exhaus­tive under­stand­ing of a phe­nom­e­non as com­plex as nat­ural lan­guage can only come about from bring­ing together pieces of evi­dence from many dif­fer­ent sources.

QAL is an open access online jour­nal, which means that arti­cles we pub­lish are freely avail­able on the inter­net imme­di­ately after pub­li­ca­tion for any indi­vid­ual or insti­tu­tion to down­load, copy, read and quote free of charge, pro­vided that the authors are prop­erly cred­ited and the integrity of the texts is maintained.




  • @voss

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