
Collections: Society of American Archivists | HathiTrust Digital Library


More than 80 out-of-print SAA publications. all public. The oldest item is August Sueflow’s A Preliminary Guide to Church Record Repositories (1969). Highlights among the released publications include the Basic Manual Series, the original Archival Fundamentals Series, important SAA planning reports (e.g., Planning for the Archival Profession, 1986; Image of Archivists, 1984; and Evaluation of Archival Institutions 1982), Steve Hensen’s Archives, Personal Papers, and Manuscripts (1989), three glossaries of archival terms spanning a 30-year-period (Evans 1973; Bellardo 1992; Pearce-Moses 2005), and the 1996 reprint of T. R. Schellenberg’s archival classic Modern Archives: Principles and Techniques. Beyond books, also included is a full run of the SAA Newsletter/Archival Outlook from 1979 to 1998 and Volumes 1 through 62 (1938 to 1999) of American Archivist, plus a two-volume compilation index for the first 30 volumes of the journal.




  • @jaj

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