
A preliminary checklist of avifauna in Hullathi Section of Ranebennur Blackbuck Sanctuary, Haveri District, Karnataka, India


The present study aims to estimate the avifaunal diversity in Hullathi section 0f Ranebennur wildlife sanctuary. The study revealed the occurrence of 104 species of birds in Hullathi section respectively. Among them Black-headed Ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus), were listed in the near threatened category (IUCN, 2012). The result also showed that the agriculture land, wetland area and surrounding vegetation are favorable environmental conditions suitable for the migratory, resident as well as the threatened species of birds. These are protected under the provisions of schedule IV of Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. The spotting of these threatened bird species highlights the importance of study area as an important feeding, staging and wintering ground for birds.




  • @innspubnet

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