
Integrative play therapy with adults with complex trauma: A developmentally-informed approach - ProQuest


International Journal of Play Therapy26.3 (Jul 2017): 172-183. Play therapy is a widely recognized therapeutic approach with traumatized children and adolescents, yet very few studies recognize the value of play therapy with adults who were traumatized as children. Play therapy offers a powerful medium for working with adults with complex trauma because play addresses areas of social, emotional, and cognitive development compromised from chronic interpersonal trauma exposure in early childhood. This article outlines the core symptomology experienced by adults with complex trauma, highlights important themes in trauma treatment, and identifies how Integrative Play Therapy can help clients move through the phases of trauma treatment. The article demonstrates the application of Integrative Play Therapy with an adult with complex trauma through a case presentation. To read the full article, log in using your NHS OpenAthens details.




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